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Optina desert16.10.08

Kiev - Pochaev02.10.08

Saint Petersburg17.10.08

Novgorod Velikiy09.10.08

Pskov - Pechory16.10.08




Optina desert16.10.08


20.01.2009 Britain to suffer 'deepest slump since 1946 and worst of big EU economies'
Britain's economy is about to suffer its most vicious slump since 1946, shrinking by a drastic 2.8 per cent this year, Brussels warned yesterday, as fears over the scale of the recession mounted despite the new banking bailout.

19.01.2009 Barack Obama inauguration: world waits for the 17 minute speech
Twenty-four hours before being inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama picked up a brush yesterday and painted a wall. “This is good practice, ’cause I’m moving to a new house tomorrow,” he told fellow volunteers.

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